Donations sought for food bank

Just in time for Halloween, a small business owner is donating a portion of proceeds and asking for donations to food bank.

Just in time for Halloween, a small business owner is donating a portion of proceeds and asking for donations to the Sources South Surrey/White Rock food bank.

Jennine Cook, owner of Transformation Costume Rentals, 6-15782 Marine Dr., will be donating $3 for every costume rental and make-up appointment booked from now until Oct. 31.

Costume renters looking to get a discount can receive $5 off by bringing in two cans of food for donation.

Cook said she decided to give back to the food bank to bring awareness to families who need help as the holiday season arrives.

“Each year my family participates in the Adopt a Family program with the Surrey Christmas Bureau,” said Cook. “This year we thought it would be great if we could come together as a community and support even more families in need.”


Peace Arch News