Electronic record-keeping to benefit trucking industry

“We’re very pleased with Transport Canada’s decision about ELDs,” says Louise Yako, BCTA’s president

LANGLEY — BC Trucking Association (BCTA) applauds the recent announcement by federal Minister of Transport Lisa Raitt mandating the use of electronic logging devices (ELDs) in commercial vehicles and electronic stability control (ESC) in new trucks.

“We’re very pleased with Transport Canada’s decision about ELDs,” says Louise Yako, BCTA’s president and CEO. “BCTA supports an ELD mandate as the single most important opportunity to transform the trucking industry to ensure companies and drivers are paid for all their work, including waiting time.”

Professional long-haul truck drivers are required to record specifics about their work shifts in a logbook.

An electronic process removes the possibility of falsifying records to squeeze in more work than is wise or safe.


ESC improves the safety of trucks by automatically applying brakes when a loss of traction is detected, a feature some Canadian truck manufacturers already offer.



Clearwater Times