Esquimalt closer to approving green building checklist

A green building checklist designed to further Esquimalt’s quest to become more environmentally sustainable is one step away from becoming reality.

“It’s going to fill in the blanks,” Mayor Barb Desjardins said of the questionnaire, which property owners and developers will be required to fill out when they apply for new building permit applications.

The sustainability checklist, which received interim approval by council at a Jan. 10 committee of the whole meeting, encompasses 60 green features developers will be encouraged to integrate within their new building projects.

Not all will have to be checked off, however, it will be recommended that as many environmentally friendly components as possible be included in building plans.

Features range from the use of eco-certified wood to storm water runoff collection, access to bike racks, protection of trees and energy efficient heating.

When the document is filled in by developers, it will form part of a package that goes before council to aid in their decision-making process when contemplating building permits.

Coun. Randall Garrison said at the meeting he has been assured by staff the document will serve as a “living and revised list as we go along” to adequately reflect the evolving environmental standards of the community.

The document still needs to go before council for final approval.

Victoria News