Loretta Freidrich (right) chats with Teassential staff during the Okanagan Foodie Tour. (Jennifer Smith - Morning Star)

Loretta Freidrich (right) chats with Teassential staff during the Okanagan Foodie Tour. (Jennifer Smith - Morning Star)

Foodie tours offer taste of Vernon

Take your taste buds for a walk in downtown Vernon

Get your fat pants ready.

The sign at the Hot Bread Shoppe’s counter is the perfect fit for the latest tour to hit town.

Stopping at six Vernon eateries, the Okanagan Foodie Tour urges, “Come Hungry!”

Dipping into Olive Us, Hot Bread Shoppe, The Fig, Eatology, Station BBQ Smokehouse and Teassential, the tour gives a wide taste of just what downtown Vernon has to offer.

Host Loretta Friedrich created the tour as a way to highlight some of the best tastes, but also some of the more community-minded businesses, in town.

“There are real people in this town that are real about what they are doing and what better way to connect them than over food,” said Friedrich.

“The restaurants are locally owned and as much as possible farm to table or locally sourced so they are supporting businesses in the area. And the food has to be good.”

Vernon’s Downtown Discovery walking foodie tour not only gives people a taste of the town, but Friedrich has a rich knowledge of the history of the area and shares some interesting facts along the way.

“The reception has been very positive,” said Friedrich, who already has plans for a second and third tour.

“Looking forward to hosting more folks.”

Anyone interested in taking their taste buds for a walk can book tours at www.okanaganfoodietours.ca.

Tours run throughout the summer and will continue into the fall and beyond.

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Vernon Morning Star