Carol Plaisier is a Certified Financial Planner professional and principal owner at Hollis Wealth in Parskville.

Carol Plaisier is a Certified Financial Planner professional and principal owner at Hollis Wealth in Parskville.

‘I walk out empowered’: Financial planner supports women through life-changing events

Carol Plaisier understands the financial strain some women experience when going through transitional periods in their lives.

Carol Plaisier understands the financial strain some women experience when going through transitional periods in their lives.

Her father passed away at the age of 57, and she saw first-hand how her mother struggled do deal with finances for the first time in her life.

The CFP® professional at HollisWealth in Parksville was already working in the financial industry when her father passed, and continued to see women struggling like her mother.

“I realized I was going to need to help,” she said. “A life-changing event, such as the death of a spouse or divorce, can seem overwhelming with so many unknowns.”

In the case of the death of a spouse, Plaisier said nothing has to be done immediately. After taking time to grieve, she suggested making an appointment with an advisor who can relate to what you’re going through and help guide you forward.

For example, Plaisier recently helped a woman who lost her husband create a full financial plan to ensure she was going to be on track for retirement.

She also helped her client with budgeting and took the time to explain how to do tasks that were new to her, such as paying bills. As an investment advisor at an independent wealth management company for 15 years, Plaisier has the freedom to go the extra mile to support her clients.

“Carol took a woman whose face was blank at the sound of financial language — didn’t know a GIC from a TFSA — and gave her the confidence to take charge of it all,” the client said. “She doesn’t laugh when I show up with my ancient ledger book, she just guides me through each statement patiently, explaining as she goes, and I walk out empowered.”

If you think Plaisier can be of any help, feel free to call her at 250-586-1332 or email To join one of her regular wine, women and wealth seminars, visit


This information has been prepared by Carol Plaisier who is an Investment Advisor for HollisWealth® and an Insurance Advisor with Hollis Insurance Agency. Opinions expressed in this article are those of the Investment Advisor only and do not necessarily reflect those of HollisWealth. HollisWealth® is a division of Industrial Alliance Securities Inc., a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. Insurance products provided through Hollis Insurance Agency.

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