Kelley Grainger (left) and Tamara Heiman (right) are opening a keto specific store in Langley. (Special to the Langley Advance Times)

Kelley Grainger (left) and Tamara Heiman (right) are opening a keto specific store in Langley. (Special to the Langley Advance Times)

Keto craze gaining popularity in Langley

Everything Keto grocery store and bakery open for soft launch; set to officially open early August.

By Miranda Fatur/Special to the Langley Advance Times

A low-carb, moderate protein, high-fat diet is filling the bellies of Langley residents, thanks to Everything Keto – a new grocery store that sells keto-friendly foods and baked goods. The store is co-owned by Tamara Heiman and Kelley Grainger.

Both are single mothers living in Cloverdale who are passionate about healthy lifestyles and helping other women.

“‘Fat makes you fat’ is a big lie. It [keto] is a healthy fat-based diet. Avocados, butter, all the good stuff. It’s derived from a medically prescribed diet that has a lot of long-term medically proven health benefits,” explained Heiman.

Heiman’s journey into keto began with experimenting in her own kitchen, with no prior professional baking experience.

The success and popularity of her baked goods led to the opening of Langley Keto Low-Carb Bakery last year. It has since been renamed as F-Carb Bakery, and is now the in-store brand at Everything Keto.

“Like most women, I’ve been on a diet rollercoaster my whole life. I love junk food. I started learning about the keto diet and really realized I could put two and two together to cook chocolate-y, brownie, cupcake goodness,” explained Heiman.

She uses quality ingredients, and nothing artificial.

“My passion for keto baking comes from a deep connection with women and the food struggle. I remember being 15 years old and thinking, ‘one day I will make brownies healthy and we will enjoy them and not get fat from them’.”

Despite keto baking being relatively new to Heiman, she said she has always loved being in the kitchen and cooking.

Grainger added that Heiman has a “natural talent” for baking.

“Very few people have the ability to go in and understand how things go together. It’s pretty amazing what she [Heiman] can do in the kitchen.”

All of the F-Carbs baked goods are made in the Pacific Community Church commercial kitchen. Heiman added they chose to rent this kitchen because it was important for them to support a church that gives back.

“We want to make sure everything we do contributes to the Langley-Surrey community.”

As for Grainger — her keto journey is quite similar to Heiman’s.

“Again I was struggling with weight, diet, depression. I was going through a divorce and a rough time. My girlfriend said ‘you should try keto, it’s amazing.’ And it worked. It’s the lifestyle that gives me energy, clarity, and focus.”

As a single mother with two young children, Grainger said the hardest part of eating keto was finding things to eat.

“I was driving all over the place piecing together the ingredients I needed to make a meal.”

And eventually that struggle sparked the idea to create a one-stop shop for keto-friendly ingredients.

“It’s been about two years in the making for me. I put everything I had into it,” Grainger explained.

While building up the store, Grainger reached out to Heiman to ask if she would sell her baked goods in-store. Together, the two women connected and found the perfect partnership.

“Everything I lacked, she [Heiman] had, and vice versa. We really fit together personality-wise. We’ve been so grateful for the support. The community support has been amazing. I feel so blessed,” Grainger said.

Everything Keto is currently in the soft-opening phase. It’s open on select days and hours. The store will be open daily onward from Sunday, Aug. 4 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

An official grand opening is to be determined. It’s located at #109, 8814-216th St.

For more information and hours, follow Everything Keto on Facebook.

RELATED STORY: Chef Dez On Cooking: The Keto Diet – Is it worth it?



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