Cloverdale is about to Level UP.
A new technology education centre for youth is opening in downtown Cloverdale. Level UP Learning Center will provide supplemental science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education for ages 7 to 15.
“It’s actually teaching them computer programming, but in a fun way, and that is by designing games, getting up their own YouTube channels, and more,” said director Simer Grewal, who is launching the centre with her husband, Raj Grewal.
Cloverdale’s Level UP will offer video and animation, coding, and game design classes, and directors Simer and Raj plan to one day offer robotics classes as well.
Level UP will also provide summer camps, Pro-D day camps, birthday parties, and Friday night out sessions (where parents can drop their kids off for a Friday evening).
“Kids are going to watch T.V. anyway, or play video games, so why not just learn how to make video games,” said Simer.
Of course, learning a coding language or how to produce video will give students a valuable skill set as well.
“It’s having the kids get a skill that empowers them for the job market of 2030,” said Raj. “You see something on the computer that’s not the way you want it? Why don’t you go ahead and change it yourself rather than asking or shopping for software that will change it.”
“Nearly every job involves computers, and even if it doesn’t, everyone is using smartphones,” said Raj. “So they are using computers in one way or another.”
Raj compared coding classes to music classes — even if kids who take Level UP classes don’t go into the tech industry, they will come away with a hobby and a skill set, and hopefully have fun while doing it.
In classes of 10 to 20 students, kids will learn programming languages such as Lua, Python, and C#; how to shoot, edit and produce videos; code apps or interactive websites; or design video games.
“Kids will have screen time no matter what, give them valuable screen time,” said Simer.
Level UP is located across the street from the Cloverdale Library, at #201 5627 176A Street. For more information, visit
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