Langley youth job centre open for business

The Langley Service Canada Centre for Youth (SCCY) is now open to the public. The office is ready to assist businesses and young workers with their summer employment needs.

“Whatever the job – big or small, short or long term – we can help you fill it,” said Loreen Kumar, youth service officer. “In the coming weeks, youth services officers will be contacting local employers to make them aware that our SCCY is now open and ready to assist them in any way it can.”

Service Canada Centres for Youth link youth and employers. The centres provide young people with job postings, interview advice, résumé building and job search strategies and employers with a location to post job openings. SCCYs also provide valuable information on health and safety in the workplace.

The skills, talents, knowledge and creativity of our young people are key to our future success. By working with local employers to help young people develop their skills and get valuable summer work experience, we are helping them prepare for the rapidly changing world of work.

This year, employers interested in using the services and youth looking for summer employment can visit the Langley SCCY between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. at 8747 – 204 Street, call 604-888-4123 ext 293, or fax 604-513-4831.

Job postings are available online at, under “Student/Youth Job Search”, “British Columbia”, “Vancouver/Surrey/Fraser Valley”, and then “Langley.”  For more information on Service Canada services for youth, call 1-800-O-Canada or visit

Aldergrove Star