Ruth McGrath (left) has purchased the Cheek to Cheek dance studio in Vernon from Lorna Robb.

Ruth McGrath (left) has purchased the Cheek to Cheek dance studio in Vernon from Lorna Robb.

New moves for local dance studio

Ruth McGrath has purchased Cheek to Cheek from Lorna Robb

There’s a new owner and name for a Vernon dance studio.

Ruth McGrath has purchased Cheek to Cheek from Lorna Robb and the business will now be known as Ruth McGrath Dance.

“I have nearly a decade of experience teaching dance in the North Okanagan and I am very excited about my new adventure,” said McGrath.

“I have worked closely with Lorna over the years and am thrilled to be taking on, once again, the joys and challenges running a studio can bring.”

Robb has retired from running a dance studio in pursuit of other interests. She will remain in Vernon but will be traveling around the country teaching various dance workshops in different locations.

McGrath started instructing with Robb at Cheek to Cheek. Over the years, she has been the manager of the studio and taught in schools, local nightclubs, at fundraisers and for various organizations in the community.

Her first major event as the new owner will be Dancing with the Vernon Stars Oct 2.

McGrath and instructors Tracy Holly and George Blencoe, are coaching various local couples routines for this fundraiser for the North Okanagan Hospice Society.

When she is not teaching at the studio, McGrath and her fiancee George also teach beginner country lessons Saturdays at the Longhorn Pub and various courses for Vernon Recreation Services.

McGrath says her classes are fun-loving and easy-going.

“I love watching the journey my students take and seeing them discover for themselves how much dance can change a person,” she said.

“A journey starts with a single dance step.”

The studio specializes in swing, Latin, country, ballroom, line dancing and weddings. There are also belly dance and Bollywood dance classes available.

Once a month, there are also theme parties at the studio.

“They are geared for dancers of all levels, with mini dance lessons all night and three instructors on hand to help out,” said McGrath.


Vernon Morning Star