Carol and Len Hoare get swarmed by Celine (left), Alpine, Katie and Shadow at their new dog daycare on 29th Street, the Fun 4 All Pet Resort.

Carol and Len Hoare get swarmed by Celine (left), Alpine, Katie and Shadow at their new dog daycare on 29th Street, the Fun 4 All Pet Resort.

New resort has gone to the dogs

Fun 4 All Pet Resort caters to working owners, providing doggy daycare

Meet the owners of the new dog day care, Fun 4 All Pet Resort, Carol and Len Hoare. They take loving dogs to a whole new level.

The Fun 4 All Pet Resort opened a month ago and is ready to take care of your canines.

“People don’t want their dogs left at home all day while they work, so they come drop them off and pick them up when they’re done for the day, it’s simple,” said Carol.

Added Len, husband and co-owner, “It’s important to have the dogs in a social atmosphere interacting with other dogs instead of being left on their own for the day.”

The Fun 4 All Pet Resort offers three different packages for your dog. The main event is the dog day care, which runs from 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. with plenty of cuddles, exercise and meals.

The dogs get perfectly pampered in the spa package, which comes with a shampooing and a pedicure. All food and shampoo is completely organic.

Len and Carol have been taking care of dogs since the 1980s.

They trained, groomed and taken care of dogs that have competed in the world class dog shows.

People would send dogs to them from Japan, Brazil and all over North America to be taken care of.

“Handling a lot of dogs at once is definitely challenging, but it is something we are both passionate about,” said Carol, who if she had to pick a favourite type of dog, it would be a golden retriever.

Since its opening, the resort has been very busy.

With more than 4,500-square-feet of indoor and outdoor space, there is plenty of room for the dogs to run around and have a blast.

The building is divided up into spacious sections to accommodate for the different types of dogs. With lots of windows, you can stand at the front of the building and peek through to the outdoor grassland area and see your dog interacting.

“We want to provide a safe and secure environment for people to leave their dogs,” said Len.

“It makes people’s lives easier knowing that their dog is in good hands.”

Once they take the dogs in, they perform a social evaluation on the dog to see how they will interact with the other dogs.

“Dogs are a lot like people. Some are social and some aren’t as social. That is something we need to figure out so we know how to handle the animal,” said Len.

The number of dogs they can house depends on the types of dogs they are working with, their sizes and personalities. The capacity is always fluctuating.

“People bring their dogs in with slight issues and we work with them. It’s all about continuing education here with the dogs,” said Carol.

The pet resort has made it easier on frequent users to book in their pets. Once established, dog owners can go on the resort website and book their dog without needing to call for an appointment.

The Hoare’s plan on installing webcams in the near future so owners can monitor their dog’s actions, along with adding cats into the mix.


Vernon Morning Star