April 1, 2013 is the slated date for British Columbia to transition from HST back to a combined tax structure of GST and PST.
With many questions still needing answers on this important business requirement, the chamber of commerce is pleased to have Mike Boven, a partner with BDO as a guest speaker for the Feb. 5, chamber luncheon. Bowen is a tax specialist in BDO’s Penticton office- where he deals exclusively with income and commodity tax issues.
The luncheon takes place Tuesday, Feb. 5, which is a change in the regularly-scheduled date to accommodate the guest speaker. It will take place at the Comfort Inn & Suites (1090 — 22 St. NE) starting at 11:45 a.m. with networking. Lunch will be served at noon, followed by the guest speaker.
Cost is $13 for a member and $25 for a non-member. RSVP to the chamber before Feb. 1.