Small business seminars on tap

Small Business B.C. sponsoring free seminars and webinars.

To encourage B.C.’s entrepreneurs to develop their businesses during small business month, a series of free seminars and webinars will be offered by Small Business B.C.

Throughout October, Small Business B.C. will provide free business seminars and webinars on workplace safety, financing, business strategy, marketing and more. Seminars will be offered live in Vancouver and by interactive webinar across B.C., so all business owners will have access.

“Small business month is an opportunity for entrepreneurs to learn about the many great resources that exist to help them succeed,” said George Hunter, CEO of Small Business B.C. “We want to ensure that they not only know about those resources, but also use them.

“We feel that having the knowledge and skills to back a business idea will only lead to stronger and more successful entrepreneurs in this province.”

To register, visit

For entrepreneurs interested in attending other small business month activities, Small Business B.C. is also hosting an online events calendar featuring networking, education and business events across the province this month.

Organizations and businesses hosting events are encouraged to publish details on the small business month events calendar at, and promote their events through Twitter using #smallbizmonth.


Vernon Morning Star