A workshop highlighting the business of successful stewardship and sustainable agricultural practices is set to take place on the Okanagan Crush Pad’s vineyard in Summerland.
South Okanagan-Similkameen Conservation Program (SOSCP) along with the Okanagan Similkameen Stewardship Society (OSS) have partnered with the Okanagan Crush Pad to present the workshop, On-Farm Sustainable Practices and Knowledge-Sharing.
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Members of the Crush Pad team will discuss organic production, how sustainable practices can work with a viable business plan and the challenges of farming at the highest elevation in the Okanagan Valley, in close proximity to many natural ecosystems.
OSCP Sustainable Agriculture Coordinator Theresa Loewen said the Okanagan Crush Pad’s operation provides a great example of sustainable farm practices.
“They are a local example of a business that is thriving while coexisting with nature. It’s fantastic to showcase industry leaders in sustainable agriculture, and Okanagan Crush Pad truly exemplifies this with their passion for environmental stewardship.”
The workshop includes a tour of the vineyard’s 40-acre organic operation, a look at a floodplain restoration project on the property where a riparian section next to Garnet Valley Road is being restored, and a discussion about existing stewardship programs and sustainable agriculture support systems by members of SOSCP, OSS, the Environmental Farm Plan.
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Taking place Nov. 20 participants are asked to meet at The Peach Pitt produce market parking lot at 12 p.m. (just off Highway 97, 9701 Jones Flat Road, Summerland). Admission is free but participants are asked to register in advance as space is limited. To register and for more information contact theresa@mosaic-environmental.com.