Take control of your money

Money Matters is an Adult Learning Centre workshop series designed for people who want to figure out how to manage their money.

Are you feeling overwhelmed or stressed about money?

Money Matters is an Adult Learning Centre workshop series designed for people who want to figure out how to manage their money.

All sessions are free.

The following workshops run from 10 a.m to noon:

•    Nov. 12: Money 101

•    Nov. 26: Budgeting

•    Dec. 10: Consumerism

•    Jan. 7: Budgeting

•    Jan. 21: Debt and Credit Management

•    Feb. 4: Savings

For people interested in taking the enhanced program, matching funds will be available based on eligibility.

Sign up today and reduce your stress regarding money. Money is not the key to happiness; however, learning to take control of money will reduce stress levels.

To attend any of these workshops or for more information, contact Dee at 250-338-9906 or email at dolorese@cvalc.ca. Spaces are limited.

The Comox Valley Adult Learning Centre is a charitable non-profit, located at 1507A McPhee Ave. in Courtenay.

Funding for this program has been sponsored by the United Way and the Community Adult Literacy and Learning Society.


Comox Valley Record