If life’s a little ruff for you and your canine friend, then help is just round the corner.
Valley Canine recently opened in Lumby and it offers a range of services, including dog visits and walks, obedience classes, behavioural training and in-home obedience sessions.
“I have decided to follow my passion and work with dogs. Ever since I was a young girl, I have loved dogs,” said Victoria Regan, who grew up in Lumby and is a certified obedience trainer and master trainer.
With lives becoming busier and people out of the home for much of the day, ensuring your dog is happy and active can be challenging. But Regan is ready to step in and lend a hand with visits and walks.
“My goal is to keep your dog in their home where they are most comfortable and happy,” she said. “There’s no hassle of getting your dog into the car, driving them to a kennel or day care every morning and having to pick them up again after work.”
Regan said visits, walks and on-leash obedience training can be specialized to each individual dog.
“We can talk about yours and your dog’s individual needs during the free consultation,” said Regan.
“When I go to pick up your dog, I can also bring in your paper and mail and bring in your trash cans.”
Sometimes dogs need some extra attention when it comes to behaviour issues and obedience, and Regan provides simple and clear training with motivation, correction and praise.
Said Regan: “My goal is for training to be enjoyable and rewarding. Training will strengthen the bond between you and your dog, enforce the leadership in your pack and reward you and your dog for the rest of your lives together.”
Through in-home sessions, Regan focuses on the parts of obedience that dogs experience the most difficulties with.
“For example, a lot of people have a hard time with recall,” said Regan. “Your dog may not come when called, or your dog may be poor at staying.”
Beyond this, Valley Canine offers one-hour obedience classes weekly for eight weeks in Lumby.
Through the weekly sessions, Regan said participants will learn about the six different personalities of dogs, the eight keys of training, proper equipment to use, as well as voice commands and hand signals.