Wells Gray Gallery gives local artists exposure

Clearwater-based artist Charlene Lau was the guest speaker for the Women in Business luncheon

Charlene Lau, shown here with one of her creations, talked recently about the Wells Gray Gallery at a recent Women in Business luncheon.

Charlene Lau, shown here with one of her creations, talked recently about the Wells Gray Gallery at a recent Women in Business luncheon.

Clearwater-based artist Charlene Lau was the guest speaker for the Women in Business luncheon held on March 13.

In her talk she described the evolution and business structure of Wells Gray Gallery, a commercial gallery that represented 27 different artisans during its first two years of operation.

The gallery is run by members of Wells Gray Artist Society who are busily preparing for an exciting third season.

Wells Gray Gallery is located on the lower level of Wells Gray Information Centre. It is open from May to October, plus holds a special Winter Market in December.

Women in Business is a locally-organized initiative to encourage women to establish and expand their own enterprises.


Wells Gray Artist Society is always accepting new membership applications. For more information, visit www.wellsgraygallery.ca.



Clearwater Times