Workshop series targets business growth in the Valley

“Imaging a Talent-Driven Economy” theme for 2015 series

Erin Haluschak

Record Staff

He may not have a crystal ball, but a Comox Valley tech organizer and content manager is hoping a futurist will help inspire, connect and develop resources for the area’s developing tech sector.

Hans Peter Meyer is hosting Nikolas Badminton, futurist and former management consultant who is part of the 2015 #WeAreYQQ speaker and workshop series with the theme “Imaging a Talent-Driven Economy.”

Meyer said he wanted to host a series following a tech roundtable late last year which saw members of the Valley come together to brainstorm needs, resources and connections.

“We’ve got a very talented community and whenever you get a chance to inspire, connect people, it’s always a good thing,” noted Meyer. “It’s a small community (in the Comox Valley) and we need to inject energy and ideas and have people come together.”

Meyer explained he has heard a lot of people note the area is a great place to raise kids, but it’s not a great place for kids to work. He hopes to change that perspective, and uses a neighbouring community as an example.

“In Qualicum, they have a policy to attract and retain young families. We need to do something in that same way to stimulate and connect resources.”

Meyer hopes the speaker series will bring tools to grow businesses in the Valley, and Badminton brings a wealth of experience speaking on trends and looking ahead to what is on the horizon with particular markets and opportunities.

He is a regional director for, the world’s largest freelancing and crowd sourcing marketplace, said Meyer, who hopes to show how entrepreneurs can tap into a bigger market with their business with services they can’t find in the Valley and need for only a limited time.

“It’s a sharing economy.”

The event, set for Jan. 26, is co-hosted by North Island College’s Interactive Media program and the Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce.

A daytime workshop on strategic planning for global freelance economy is scheduled at the Sid Williams Theatre and the evening presentation on entrepreneurs and the future of work in a global marketplace is set at the Stan Hagen Theatre at North Island College.

For more information or to register, visit, or call Naz at 250-615-6516.


Comox Valley Record