A chance to hit the big screen with some natural wonders

A chance to get on the big screen in the mountains.

It’s the beer out here, or so they say. “They” being Labatt Breweries, the makers of Kokanee beer, and “here” referring of course to one of Western Canada’s greatest natural wonders, the Rocky Mountains. Well “they” are offering the people out “here” the opportunity to see themselves on the big screen, and be part of a new movie. “For any Golden residents that have dreamed of being part of a movie, Kokanee is now giving them a chance to make their dreams come true,” said Alix Herman with Labatt Breweries of Canada.

“Kokanee will be featured in a new buddy comedy The Movie Out Here and wants Western Canadians to get involved.”

It is a great opportunity for anyone with a knack for acting to strut their stuff and show off their Western Canadian Pride. It’s as simple as turning on your camera and letting your talent shine.

All you have to do is find a recording device, which can be anything from a fancy HD camera to your smart phone, or even your webcam. Get into character and audition as the Kokanee Ranger or a hiker who has spotted the Sasquach. If you want to get really creative you can come up with your own role.

Then edit it in any way you want, and upload it to their website.

“If they receive 25 or more votes from those Kokanee fans, they’ll qualify for the chance to win a spot in the movie,” said Herman.

If you don’t think you’re quite Oscar winner material, there are a few other ways you can participate. “For those with musical ambitions, Kokanee is looking for local bands to appear on the big screen and on the movie’s soundtrack. Bands can submit their tracks online for the chance to be featured,” said Herman.

For more information about how to audition, or to vote on those who have already auditioned, go to www.themovieouthere.ca.


Golden Star