Abbotsford A-List contest!

Tell us about your favourite places in Abbotsford and enter to win a $500 gift certificate

Your favourite selfie location is among the categories in the A-List contest.

Your favourite selfie location is among the categories in the A-List contest.

What if you could complete an online survey that was quick and fun, and could win you a $500 shopping spree? Here’s your chance! The Abbotsford News presents its annual A-List contest. Tell us what you love about Abbotsford and be entered to win a $500 gift card to Sevenoaks Shopping Centre! It’s really that easy.

You can only vote once per day (one vote per IP address). But here’s a little secret: Voting daily increases your chances of winning.

Voting is in session until April 30, and all opinions are valuable and much appreciated. Prize winners will be announced on June 24, and will be notified by phone. A full list of winners can be obtained through social media and online at

Everyone is encouraged to participate, whether you’re a student, a parent or retired. Voicing your opinion is what this contest is all about. Age and income doesn’t matter –  as long as you’re knowledgeable about your favourite places in Abbotsford. Many businesses that display the reputable A-list logo have been chosen by local residents like you who take the initiative to nominate favourite hot spots.

To be entered for the grand prize draw, you must enter a minimum of two entries per category. The eight categories are intriguing: recreation, arts, shops and services, food (decisions, decisions), style, around town, health and beauty, and sports. If you’re willing to share your favourite place for ice cream, your hot pick to go on a first date, your fave golf course, your best hangover restaurant, and yes, maybe even your prized selfie location, then this survey is a great opportunity for you. Last year we received a record number of 15,000 submissions, and we’d like to once again hear about your Abbotsford favourites! Enter the A-List today!

Good luck!

by Victoria Gill

W.J. Mouat Secondary

Abbotsford News