Abbotsford Arts Council presents Land and Sea exhibition

Opening reception takes place Saturday, Oct. 29 at Kariton Gallery

The work of Nicola Tibbetts is included in a new exhibit, Land and Sea, at Kariton Art Gallery. Pictured here is Landscape with Rocks.

The work of Nicola Tibbetts is included in a new exhibit, Land and Sea, at Kariton Art Gallery. Pictured here is Landscape with Rocks.

The Abbotsford Arts Council presents its newest exhibition Land and Sea, starting this week.

An opening reception for the show, featuring the work of artists Rosalie Luymes and Nicola Tibbetts, takes place Saturday, Oct. 29 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Kariton Art Gallery (2387 Ware St.). The show continues until Nov. 15.

Luymes specializes in landscape paintings. Her work in Land and Sea specifically focuses on the coastal landscape.

Her inspiration is drawn from the dynamic relationship between the familiar and unfamiliar aspects of landscapes that reflect her personal journeys, experiences, and emotions as she interacts with the environment.

Light and colour are used to share a glimpse of the beauty and glory of creation.

Tibbetts created a series of paintings in 2015 that depict her winter experience in Iqaluit, Nunavut. The series is unapologetic in its portrayal of the northern landscape, unique and unexpectedly beautiful.

Interspersed throughout the series are signs of human existence, represented by buildings, planes, wires, and figures, often in silhouette. The series offers a glimpse into northern life and culture from the perspective of a “transient southerner.”

Tibbetts will teach a workshop on Oct. 29 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. in which participants will learn how to do paint washes, a technique she used throughout her painting series.

The cost is $10 per person, all supplies included. Visit for more information and registration.




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