The Orontes Guitar Quartet performs several musical styles, including Baroque and classical. SUBMITTED PHOTO

The Orontes Guitar Quartet performs several musical styles, including Baroque and classical. SUBMITTED PHOTO

Alberni Classical Concerts kicks off fourth season on Oct. 5

Concert series will feature four shows for $100

After receiving a grant from the B.C. Touring Council, the Alberni Classical Concerts Society will once again be able to bring four concerts to the community for the same $100 subscription.

The success of Alberni Classical Concerts has been recognized by a substantial grant to pay for a portion of performers’ fees for the fourth season. This is the second year that the society has received a provincial grant.

The Orontes Guitar Quartet will open the season on Saturday, Oct. 5 at 7 p.m. This talented quartet was formed in Beirut in 2015 and is currently touring Canada while on a fellowship at the University of Victoria.

The new year will bring Trio d’Argento on Friday, Jan. 24. This chamber trio of piano, flute and cello plays to outstanding reviews. The 20-voice choral ensemble of the Elmer Iseler Singers, which has won national awards and Juno nominations, will entertain the community on Sunday, March 15. The final concert will feature the internationally acclaimed Buzz Brass on Friday, May 1. This quintet has also won many awards throughout Canada and abroad.

This is the fourth season for Alberni Classical Concerts. Tickets are not sold for individual concerts, but series subscriptions are sold in advance of the first concert. Subscriptions are transferrable. They are available at Rollin Arts Centre ($100, plus a $10 service charge) and from committee members (phone David Cox at 250-723-8362 or Colleen Goodrich at 250-723-5407).

All concerts are held at the Arrowsmith Baptist Church.

For more information, please

Alberni Valley News