Always entertaining Burns Lake

The sixth Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Lakes District Arts Council takes place at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 23 in the Burns Lake Library basement.

The sixth Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Lakes District Arts Council takes place at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 23 in the Burns Lake Library basement. Arts Council members and all interested persons are encouraged and invited to attend. We expect our current executive and directors to be ready to continue in office, so you need not fear getting elected to anything.

We’d like to have your ideas, energy and involvement. And everyone who attends the AGM will have his or her name entered in a special draw, the prize being a flex pass to the 2011/2012 arts council subscription concert season.

The arts council’s annual fundraiser for the Burns Lake Relay for Life takes place at 7:30 p.m. (doors open at 6:45 p.m.) on Feb. 26 at ‘The Root Cellar’ (formerly the Alaska Way Cabaret) on Hwy. 16 in Burns Lake. The performers will be the North of Dixie Jazz Band from Smithers, with special local guest Marcel Plasway.

Admission is by donation, and proceeds will be donated by the arts council to the Burns Lake Relay for Life. This is a family event and coffee, tea, juice and snacks will be provided. Watch for posters around town and our ad in this week’s Lakes District News. Think about attending this event: support the Relay for Life, and enjoy an evening of good music, friends and fun. If you liked New Orleans North in 2008, you’ll love the North of Dixie.

Here’s our next contest. The skill testing question is: name at least three musical instruments that are part of a traditional, New Orleans style Dixieland Jazz Band. Not sure? Check out this link:

Send your correct answer via return email, and your name will go in a draw for one of two $25 gift certificates to Root 16 Restaurant. The gift certificates will be good for a year but we hope you’ll think about using them on Saturday evening.

You and your guests can enjoy supper, meet the North of Dixie Jazz Band and then go across to the Root Cellar for a wonderful evening of joyous, life affirming Dixieland jazz. Don’t miss it. And speaking of contests, the winners of our Alcan String Quartet contest were: Helen Brown and Bernadette Peebles, who won Alcan Quartet CD’s, yet to be presented and Nancy Doll, who won a box of Valentine chocolates.

Jeanette Scholander won a half dozen red roses in a special door prize draw. Congratulations all, and good luck to all who enter the North of Dixie Jazz Band contest.

The Tweedsmuir Park Rod and Gun Club Annual Wild Game Banquet and Dance to be held on Feb. 26 at the Rod and Gun Club Hall on Babine Road has been cancelled. 

The 54 annual Lakes District Festival of the Performing Arts takes place from March 6 to March 10, with the Gala Honours Concert on March 12. All festival events are at the Island Gospel Fellowship Hall. March 6 and 7 are the vocal competitions. March 8 is speech arts and March 9 and 10 are the piano competitions. Watch for more information in the Lakes District News.

The sixth concert in the Arts Council’s subscription season takes place March 11 at 7:30 p.m. at the Lakes District Secondary School multi purpose room. The Hutchinson Andrew Jazz Trio will play mellow Alberta jazz music in the classic jazz trio format: piano, bass and drums. Tickets are available at Process 4 circle arts Gallery. Watch for more information in early March.

First Annual Indigenous Festival of the Arts will be on March 17 at the Lakes District Secondary School. Watch for more information in early March.

Arts Fest 2011, the regional juried arts show takes place April 15 to May 14, 2011 at Parkside Gallery in 100 Mile House. Arts Fest 2011 is open to all emerging visual artists in the Central Interior Regional Arts Council region. Entry deadline is April 1, 2011. For more information and for a copy of the Arts Fest 2011 brochure and entry forms, stop in to Process 4 circle arts Gallery on Hwy.16 or phone Wayne Brown at 250-692-3434.

The Lakes District Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society has relocated to a new, larger location at 332 Hwy. 16 (Old Creative Energy building next to Remax).  Extended office hours began Feb. 1.  The office will be open Tuesday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.  The office is run by volunteers, therefore there may be times when no one is available.  For further information or to book an appointment please call Rhoda at the office at 250-692-7203 or at home at 250-692-3690.  

They are currently raising funds for the Northern Cancer Lodge in Prince George that is scheduled to open in November 2012.  Local volunteers have donated crafts that are displayed in the office.  Used books and miscellaneous items are for sale as well. The goal of the Lakes District unit is to raise $25,000 to have ‘Burns Lake Community’ on the door of the Tub/Jacuzzi Room in the lodge.  To date they have raised over $10,000. Drop in for a cup of coffee or tea and meet our dedicated volunteers who will give you a tour of the new office. Registration packages for the Relay for Life are available at the office as well.  Come in and sign up if you are a survivor. Luminaries can also be purchased in the office. The Canadian Cancer Society provides general information on cancer, prevention and support services. Kits are available in the office for those in desperate need of financial assistance.

Burns Lake Lakes District News

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