Art group giving back

Some members are photographers; others are writers. All are creative.

“What should we do to give back to our new and beautiful community?” was a question asked by members of the Art Group of the Comox Valley (AGCV).

While not all of the members of this group of artists are new to the Valley, many are and are so appreciative of all it has to offer that they wanted to give something back.

This past Christmas, the group of about eight members (at that time) held a show and silent auction that raised over $1,000 for a number of charities including the Comox Valley Transition Society and an African orphanage.

This summer the group that has grown to about 20 members has decided to paint Courtenay, at least the storefronts of two blocks of Fifth Street.

“The street is unique,” offers Maxine Horner, a founding member of the group. “It is so charming.”

Kate Brown, president and organizer of the project states, “It is a way of capturing the atmosphere of Fifth street as we know it today in 2012. The paintings will create a memory in time.

“Courtenay and Comox are hidden gems, and the rest of the province needs to know about this special area,” continues Brown. “Courtenay’s Fifth street is the first place we take visitors,” and the other members agree.

“We appreciate the character and the uniqueness of the street, and our work will showcase art and commerce all in one,” offers group member Lou Ismay.

Mostly, the group simply enjoys getting together to paint, draw, write, and otherwise create in a variety of mediums including watercolour, acrylic, oils, and mixed media in collage. Some members are photographers; others are writers. All are creative.

You may see members of the AGCV taking photos, drawing, or painting outside various businesses along Fifth Street. The finished products will be displayed for silent auction at Percs Coffee Shop on Fifth Street from July through August.

How will the AGCV give back to the Courtenay/Comox community this time? The group unanimously agreed the proceeds from the silent auction of their Fifth Street paintings held at Percs Coffee Shop in August will go to Courtenay’s food bank.


Comox Valley Record