Art show to feature prize-winning documentary

Ken Matheson will be screening his award winning short (10 min) documentary film “Little Moccasins” at Dutch Lake Community Centre

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Clearwater-based film maker Ken Matheson will be screening his award winning short (10 min) documentary film “Little Moccasins” at Dutch Lake Community Centre on Saturday, Jan. 31.

According to Matheson, there will two screenings, one at 11 a.m. and the other at 2 p.m. Each will be followed by a questions and answer period with the director.

The film tells the story of how students at at private school near Calgary reacted when they learned that dozens of First Nations children had died of malnutrition, disease and abuse at a residential school that had been located nearby between 1885 and 1922.

“”Little Moccasins” has received multiple awards from festivals around the world and is still in consideration by several other international film festivals

The two screenings will be part of “Making our Mark”, North Thompson Arts Council’s inaugural exhibition in the council’s new gallery space at Dutch Lake Community Centre.

The art show will be held from Jan. 31 to Feb. 28.

The goal of the exhibition will be to celebrate and showcase North Thompson Valley artists of all ages working in any discipline or genre.

An opening reception will be held at DLCC on Friday, Jan. 30, 1 – 4 p.m.


Gallery hours are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.



Clearwater Times