Auditions for Pack of Lies Aug. 21 and 23

The Opening Nite Theatre Society is putting together its fall production

Auditions for Opening Nite Theatre Society’s fall production of Pack of Lies will be held Thursday, Aug. 21 at 7 p.m. and Saturday, Aug. 23 at 5 p.m.

Written by Hugh Whitemore, Pack of Lies is based on a true story about Barbara and Bob Jackson, a middle-class English couple, who live in the suburbs with their teen daughter, Julie.

Set in London during the Cold War, the family lives a quiet and ordinary life until MI5 agent Stewart arrives.

Stewart wants to use the family’s home to spy on the neighbours, one of whom may be involved in selling classified information to the Soviets.

Which neighbour is it?

As the intrigue builds, it becomes apparent the subjects of the investigation are the Jackson’s best friends. Knowing their friends could soon be arrested, Bob and Barbara grapple over cooperating with Stewart and struggle with feelings of betrayal and deceit.

Auditions for the show will be held at the theatre, 33223 N. Railway Ave. Pack of Lies will open Oct. 17 and run until Nov. 2.

For more information, contact Tony Loyer, director, or Angela Bell, producer at or visit the society’s Facebook page.

Mission City Record