Auditions this week for Calendar Girls

The Studio Theatre is holding auditions this week for the play Calendar Girls.

The Studio Theatre is holding auditions this week for the play Calendar Girls.

Written by Tim Firth, the play is based on the popular Miramax motion picture by Firth and Juliette Towhidi.

Director Stacey Poirier is holding auditions for the play Tuesday, Sept. 27 and Thursday Sept. 29 in the Kornak and Hamm building at 366 Yorston Street starting at 7 p.m.

The play requires a cast of nine women and three to four men.

Based on a true story, Poirier says Calendar Girls is a beautiful portrait of love, loss, and just how far kindred souls will go in the name of friendship. It combines cheeky comedy with heart touching realism and shows the importance of family in all forms of the word.

Set in Yorkshire, England the plot revolves around best friends Chris Harper and Annie Clarke, who set about spicing up their Women’s Institute fundraisers with a new calendar idea.

Rather than continuing with their annual calendars featuring scenes from the Yorkshire dales and this year’s plan to feature local churches, the two women propose a calendar featuring tasteful photographs of nude Knapely WI members.

Seeing all around her the old adage that sex sells Chris comes up with the idea  after Annie’s husband John passes away from leukemia. The plan is to raise enough money to buy a new sofa for the family room at the local hospital in John’s memory.

While they are all middle-aged women, the idea takes root on horticultural-loving John’s last statements about plants being the most glorious in the latter stages of their life, after which they quickly go to seed.

The two women just have to convince nine other middle-aged WI members to pose for the calendar as December will be a group photo.

Calendar Girls will be on stage in 2017, Jan. 25 to 28 and Feb. 1 to 4 at the Studio Theatre and for a dinner theatre run at The Point Feb. 8 to 11.

For more information contact Stacey Poirier at 250-267-2158 or or Debra Sprague at 250-305-4461

Williams Lake Tribune