The award-winning British comedy duo, James & Jamesy, are bringing their special brand of holiday cheer to the Cowichan Valley Tuesday, Dec. 13.
Their show, O Christmas Tea, is redolent of Monty Python, Mr. Bean, and Dr. Seuss and will take the audience on a rollicking Christmas romp.
Starting at 7:30 p.m. at Cowichan Performing Arts Centre, these 17-time ‘Best-of-Fest’ winners from theatre festivals across North America will invite audience members of all ages to join them in their action-packed quest to save the world from drowning in tea.
They’re looking forward to sharing the fun on Vancouver Island.
“The Christmas season is a magical time of year that brings people of all ages together; a time when we are encouraged to dream big, embrace imagination, and celebrate a child-like excitement for merriment,” says Jamesy, the quirky and playful half of London’s three-time Impresario Award-winning duo.
So, what’s it all about?
Catastrophe strikes at James & Jamesy’s Christmas tea party, flooding the world with tea. The friends leap into action, finding innovative and hilarious solutions to keep them afloat. Redefining the whole idea of immersive theatre, these masters of physical comedy sweep the audience out to sea in a jolly aquatic escapade brimming with whimsy, action, and ingenuity in a celebration of friendship at Christmas, promoters promise.
The CBC has called the pair “one of the most popular Fringe duos ever” and James & Jamesy have toured across North America since 2012, performing their original works — including High Tea, 2 for Tea, and In The Dark — more than 400 times to more than 40,000 audience members, earning rave reviews and lots of fans.
Aaron Malkin is James and Alastair Knowles, Jamesy. Together, they create award-winning performances that blend theatre, physical comedy, and dance to take audiences on fantastical trips of the imagination.
It’s unique humour that appeals to both children and adults and fosters an inclusive atmosphere so members of the audience feel comfortable about joining the fun.
Tickets are $28 for adults, $25 for seniors and $15 for children. Get them online at or call the Cowichan Ticket Centre at 250-748-7529 to reserve.