Laketown Ranch was definitely shakin’ on June 9.
It was Saturday night, and the crowd at the Lake Days Laketown Shakedown was ready to ‘raise a little hell’ with Trooper.
Lead singer Ra McGuire was up for it, too, singing all the songs everyone remembered, flirting with the fans who crowded the dance floor in front of the stage and providing everyone with their money’s worth.
Lake Days weather is notorious and, sure enough, rain poured on Friday night’s opening acts, which included Cowichan Lake’s own Eagle Eyes band, keeping crowds down, but those who did attend, said they loved the refurbished venue: the Flats Stage.
By Saturday night, it was clear, but windy and cool at the Ranch, but most folks brought plenty of blankets and took the opportunity to visit with their friends while waiting for Trooper to show.
When that time came however, they were out of their seats, in their eagerness to get close to the Canadian music legends as everyone was ‘there for a good time, not a long time’. Trooper thrilled audiences and heated up the night.