The Justice League comes together. Warner Bros.

The Justice League comes together. Warner Bros.

Bizarre Review: Justice League… or should I say ‘Justice Cheese’

Who wrote the script for this movie?

Who wrote the script for this movie?

I have been watching a lot of comic based movies in the past few years, but something is seriously lacking in the Justice League.

It could be that it wasn’t simple enough for me to understand, since admittedly I don’t read the comics, but that just means that the producers have failed.

But really, it’s an alright movie, with a bunch of cool special effects. It just seems to be missing something, but whatever it’s missing it makes up for in cheese.

From Batman’s awful one-liners, to the endless cliches about teamwork, and the precious monologue at the end by Lois Lane, this movie is pretty much as predictable as they come.

It doesn’t help that I don’t love this Superman. The actor who plays him has nice teeth, but he’s a bit too pretty boy for my taste. On the other hand, Aquaman has him beat in the devilishly handsome looks department.

This is what the movie has led me to. Unabashedly checking out the characters for some semblance of enjoyment (Wonder Woman is also very easy on the eyes).

The funniest and most entertaining part in the movie happens after it is all over. A showdown I caught myself questioning during parts of the film between Superman and The Flash.

But still, I didn’t get the answers… I don’t think DC wishes to disclose who would win in a race.

My bets are on Superman, since he is faster than the speed of light, but The Flash has broken the space time continuum.

I give Justice League three out of 10 popcorns.

Golden Star