Bluegrass concert a highlight of Cabin Fever

The 108 Cabin Fever Bluegrass Seminar Leaders Concert at The Hills Health Ranch on March 22, was a sell-out

Juanita Corbett, right, and Rossetta Paxton, second from right, oversaw cutting of the anniversary cakes for the 10th Annual 108 Cabin Fever Bluegrass Workshops at The Hills Health Ranch.

Juanita Corbett, right, and Rossetta Paxton, second from right, oversaw cutting of the anniversary cakes for the 10th Annual 108 Cabin Fever Bluegrass Workshops at The Hills Health Ranch.

As predicted, the 108 Cabin Fever Bluegrass Seminar Leaders Concert at The Hills Health Ranch on March 22, was a sell-out.

The performance by 15 talented musicians, who were all instructors for the 10th Annual 108 Cabin Fever Bluegrass Workshops, was the icing on the cake for workshop students and a sweet treat for members of the public who were fortunate enough to get show tickets.

The musicians are considered masters in their field and they played to an audience of nearly 200. Workshop co-ordinator Rossetta Paxton calls the performance phenomenal.

“They were all stand-out performances. They’re award-winning musicians and it was pretty awesome to have them in the Cariboo.”

Paxton had the opportunity to perform at the concert, singing her original song, “Fall,” with the bluegrass band 5 On A String.

“It was great. It’s always great to sit in with those guys.”

She says the workshop had approximately 54 registrants and all seemed to enjoy the program.

“There was not one unhappy student, except they said it was too short and they didn’t want to go home yet. I saw students come in playing at one level, and leave at a higher one.”

She deems the workshop a success and says the 11th annual is already booked for roughly the same time next year.


100 Mile House Free Press