Bridge Lake’s Roy Winton hit a major milestone on Dec. 21 when he turned 90.
A family and neighbours get-together was held on Dec. 18 and on Dec. 21, the Interlakes Carpet Bowling Club, of which he has long been a member, attended a second get-together at his home.
The community sends belated congratulations.
Champagne and caviar, and every good wish go to Doris Powell on her 80th birthday on Jan. 9.
Call the writer for contact numbers.
• Crib, Deka Fire Hall: 7:30 p.m., Jan. 6.
• Interlakes Economic Association annual general meeting: Interlakes Community Centre (ICC) on Jan. 9 at 6 p.m.
• Call Barry Larson at 250-706-3877 to register your team for the Feb. 11-12 Snow Ball Tournament at ICC.