Maggie Duncan and Russell MacMillan are getting married.
But who’s going to play them?
The 100 Mile Performing Arts Society is having early auditions tonight (June 25) and tomorrow for its next production coming this fall.
The local community theatre group is doing Maggie’s Getting Married, a funny two-act play by Canadian playwright Norm Foster. (The group did Foster’s Office Hours last year, which had audiences in stitches.)
Marie Hooper is directing the play, which includes six characters – three men and three women.
Hooper says they’re looking for more young men and women to audition and join the group.
“Auditions are kind of an odd thing. People are very shy about coming out… [But] it’s not too awful.
“If you have any interest, if you have any joy in theatre, and you want to test your wings, it’s a great thing to do.”
Hooper says she wants to enter the upcoming production in an annual provincial theatre festival sponsored by Theatre BC next May.
“I was trying to keep it to a small cast so it’s easier for people to commit. We’d like to try and build up a reputation … getting to as many places and things as we can.”
The auditions go from 7 to 9 p.m. at Hooper’s home at 818 Cariboo Trail in 100 Mile House. Rehearsals don’t start until September.
“If we don’t get it cast right away, at least we have the summer to do some networking.”