There were people lined up outside the Kootenay Centre Cinemas last Thurday night to see the first Castlegar screening of Star Wars Episode 7.

There were people lined up outside the Kootenay Centre Cinemas last Thurday night to see the first Castlegar screening of Star Wars Episode 7.

Castlegar residents line up for Star Wars Episode 7

People lined up outside the Kootenay Centre Cinemas last Thursday night to see the first Castlegar screening of Star Wars Episode 7.

The excitement outside the Kootenay Centre Cinemas was palpable last Thurday night as people waited in line to see the first Castlegar screening of Star Wars Episode 7.

J. Flis, 43, saw the first Star Wars movie in the theatre and was excited for Episode 7.

“My parents took me to the first one in ‘77 when I was four and I’ve seen every other movie in the theatre since,” he said.

Flis’ kids have also seen the first six movies and were waiting with him in line.

“He owns all the Star Wars videos,” Flis said of his son. “He’s been into it since he was four too. He has a huge Star Wars Lego collection and video games.”

Brianna Shannon, 35, had dressed for the occasion.

“I’ve got my new tights on,” she said, pointing to her red, black and white tights patterned with storm trooper helmets, walkers and Galactic Empire symbols.

The waiting finally comes to an end as everyone finds their seat in the theatre and a cheer goes up as yellow text starts scrolling up the screen.

Numerous lightsaber and star ships battles later everyone emerges from the theatre, still bubbling with excitement.

Flis was not disapointed. His two favourite new characters are Rey and BB-8.

“It was amazing,” he said.


Castlegar News