Celebration of Light a star-studded fund-raiser

It all gets underway at the Eagles Hall at 7 p.m. and the place will be jumping until 10 p.m.

A great time for a great cause! That’s what the Celebration of Light promises to be in Ladysmith, Friday, Dec. 18.

Included in the lineup will be Skellig, Ryan McMahon, Kendrell Patrick and the Headless Bettys, Chris Andres, David Bitonti, Elf Song and carols by The Celebration Brass Band.

The event is pulled together by Skellig, in partnership with The Rock Christian Fellowship, The Ladysmith Eagles, Local and Vancouver Island musicians, 49th Parallel Grocers, Beantime, other churches, The Chronicle and Starbucks.

They have all helped get the word out, sell tickets, volunteer, play at, provide food for, provide coffee and hot chocolate for this event! Everything is donated so that 100 per cent of every penny goes straight to the cause. It really is a wonderful night of entertainment, food, drinks and fun. It is a family friendly event so all generations can enjoy it

It all gets underway at the Eagles Hall at 7 p.m. and the place will be jumping until 10 p.m.

Money raised this year will go to Ladysmith’s Soup Kitchen and Food Bank.

“Last year we raised $5,389 for the cause and approximately 500 pounds of food for the food bank,” said Lisa Burness, of Skellig.

“In total over the 7 years we have done this we have raised more than $25,000 for both the Foodbank and now the Soup Kitchen, which is amazing and a testament to the generosity of this town.”

In the first year of operation, the Ladysmith Soup Kitchen provided over 5,000 meals to needy families, Burness noted. Anyone who wants to stop in on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 to 4 p.m. is welcome to sit down for a bowl of soup and a sandwich, downstairs in the Eagles Hall.

Tickets for the Celebration are on sale now at 49th Parallel Grocery for $7.50.

Skellig has also written and produced a Christmas song for Ladysmith, which will be sung on Light Up night Nov. 26 and at the Celebration of Light Dec. 18.

Child of Light is available for download by donation at skellig.bandcamp.com/track/child-of-grace.


Ladysmith Chronicle