Jenn Forsland, acclaimed director of the Celebration Singers, the Celebration Women’s Ensemble and the Island Voices, will lead a free men’s singing workshop on Tuesday Aug. 21, from 7 to 9 p.m.
This event will be held at 1465 Grieve Ave., Courtenay. The workshop will focus on vocal technique and harmony singing and is open to all men who would like to participate. No experience required, but plan to have a ton of fun
Men who sing in choirs/groups say they enjoy the art of singing, they find the music beautiful and they appreciate the sense of unity that singing in a group provides. Men with a deeper voice have the chance to exercise that part of their range that is rarely required in normal conversation – deep, rich and resonant vibration.
The challenge of singing in harmony, and the pleasure of singing in a group also draw men to choirs. Come and see what you think.
In the fall, Forsland will direct the Celebration Singers, a mixed voice choir that starts on Sept. 10 at Mark Isfeld School.
All men singers welcome. Additionally, Carol Anne Parkinson will direct a Men’s Chorus starting on Oct.15. Spaces are available and we welcome new members.
There will be a chance to take the skills you learn in this workshop to higher heights or lower depths after the workshop. For more information about our choirs go to
For more information about this workshop contact Bob at 780-740-5477 or