Celtic Cara makes waves with Vernon performance

Tides of Life performance to take you on a journey to the Celtic Isles in time for St. Patrick's Day

Celtic Cara performers Malinda Sunderland, Shileen Whibley, Jenae Van Gameren, Charity Van Gameren, Sarah Mori Jones and Sharon Kilistoff present Tides of Life March 9. (Submitted Illustration)

Celtic Cara performers Malinda Sunderland, Shileen Whibley, Jenae Van Gameren, Charity Van Gameren, Sarah Mori Jones and Sharon Kilistoff present Tides of Life March 9. (Submitted Illustration)

There is something so majestic, awe-inspiring and humbling when we stand next to the ocean.

It grounds us, exhilarates us and often brings us to a place of being thoughtful and reminiscent. The beautiful melodies and harmonies of the Celtic Isles are a wonderful way to be taken on a journey through our past and into our future.

Celtic Cara welcomes all on a voyage of beautiful vocal tapestry as the stories of life and the ebb and flow all experience are woven into an evening that will make the spirit soar during Tides of Life March 9 at 7 p.m. at Trinity United Church. Tickets are now on sale at www.ticketseller.ca or by calling (250)549-SHOW.

“The music of the isles tells a story. It is something we can all connect to on one level or another. This is why this form of music is so compelling to so many because we can relate and it pulls at our hearts,” said Charity Van Gameren, producer of the performance.

See: Singers transport Vernon to Celtic Isles

The ladies of Celtic Cara are all professionally trained singers who love being able to bring these songs to others, especially with Saint Patricks Day on the horizon.

The shows musical director, Terry Logan, is an accomplished voice teacher, choir director and musician. Her roots go deep in Celtic Music and it is an honour for her to be at the helm of this show.

See: Vernon students tune up for festival

Cara has a wonderful display of musicians that will be accompanying them on harp, flute, bodhran, piano and fiddle.

Van Gameren has been honoured in her career to direct and produce many live theatre shows.

“It is in my DNA to create, especially when it comes to music, movement and pulling together a story that brings so much joy and happiness to others. My passion is in the arts and my desire is for others to be drawn into the story.”

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Vernon Morning Star