Jennifer Victor of Chilliwack is organizing and also performing in Be The Light, a fundraiser concert for mental health on June 4. (Submitted)

Chilliwack musician organizes benefit concert for mental heath awareness

Jennifer Victor of Chilliwack one of 14 performing in Be The Light virtual fundraiser concert

A local musician is helping put together a virtual concert to help people struggling with mental health.

Musicians and friends, Jennifer Victor of Chilliwack and Darryl Seunath of Toronto, are organizing, Be The Light, a fundraising concert on June 4 in support of mental health.

“Raising awareness for mental health is important to me because I feel like people are struggling right now,” Victor said. “During these unprecedented times, people want to feel secure and understood.”

The concert features 14 musicians/bands who will share songs that tell stories of hope, mental health, positivity, inspiration and togetherness.

Jennifer Victor of Chilliwack is organizing and also performing in Be The Light, a fundraiser concert for mental health on June 4. (Submitted)

There will also be two guest speakers, Sean Krausert, from Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention, and Dr. Katy Kamkar, from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.

“Our hope in running this virtual event is to offer a safe place with resources for those in need, while connecting through music,” Victor said.

Be The Light is free, but people are encouraged to donate to the cause. Funds will go the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Canada’s largest mental health teaching hospital.

The concert is Friday, June 4 at 6 p.m. To watch and to donate, go to Folks can donate before, during and after the event.

RELATED: Chilliwack musician launches two-song album to raise money for mental health


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