Choral Society concert is all about love

The Duncan Choral Society is offering love in the afternoon, scheduling their annual winter concert at the Christian Reformed Church

Susan Doughty directs the Duncan Choral Society in a show at the Christian Reformed Church in Duncan.

Susan Doughty directs the Duncan Choral Society in a show at the Christian Reformed Church in Duncan.

The Duncan Choral Society is offering love in the afternoon, scheduling their annual winter concert at the Christian Reformed Church on Saturday, Jan. 23 for 2 p.m. instead of in the evening.

The group, which calls itself The Voice of the Valley, will be performing a lively and varied program titled That’s Amore.

The theme of the choral performance might be all about love but don’t be misled into thinking it only deals with romance.

As music director Sue Doughty explains, “The program is designed to be so much more than eros (romantic love). It’s also means brotherly love, friendship, or familial love but also love of God, of country, of the earth, in other words, love in all its forms.”

Doughty did not reveal the entire program but, as a teaser, she shared that the offerings will include that Dean Martin standard That’s Amore. Of course, there’s also Some Enchanted Evening from the musical South Pacific, plus a new finger-snapping African song, several sing-alongs, and even a song sung in Welsh and a German lullaby.

In total the event includes some 20 choral arrangements in less than two hours.

The Duncan Choral Society is 52 members strong this year under Doughty’s direction.

Breath control and voice training are part of the learning process for the choir, with Doughty sometimes even having singers use plastic straws to develop singing abs and plastic cups as drums to learn about rhythm.

And, according to president Everett Dixon, it’s important to be part of the community.

“Duncan Choral Society is an active community-based choir that welcomes all people. The society also performs in the community for groups such as the Salvation Army Christmas kettle and care homes and provides support for Glenora Farm’s Bell Choir.”

Dixon made an open invitation to the community, “If you wish to join, the two seasons start in September and in February. All are welcome, no audition required. Come make music with us as we have been doing since 1982!”

There will be tasty refreshments after the Jan. 23 concert. Tickets cost $15 for adults and seniors, and $12 for students with music lovers under 12 admitted free. Get tickets at door or from choir members.

The Duncan Choral Society appreciates support of valued sponsors: Azurite Computing, Prevost Veterinary Clinic, Peacock Photography, Mann Pharmacy, and Top Shelf Feeds. If you wish to support the choir, please contact treasurer Margaret Ames at

Sponsors receive free tickets to performances, free caroling at your office once a year and mention at every performance and in promotional information, and on the website. It’s a deal for $200 a year, say choir officials.

Cowichan Valley Citizen