Belle, played by McKenzie Vandertoolen and Gaston, played by Curtis Detchkoff, are among the actors in Summerland Secondary School’s production of Beauty and the Beast.

Belle, played by McKenzie Vandertoolen and Gaston, played by Curtis Detchkoff, are among the actors in Summerland Secondary School’s production of Beauty and the Beast.

Classic story staged as a musical

Students at Summerland Secondary School will present the musical Beauty and the Beast next month.

Students at Summerland Secondary School will present the musical Beauty and the Beast next month.

Heather Ayris, drama teacher at the high school, said the musical involves a large ensemble, with 80 students involved on stage and behind the scenes.

“That’s quite a chunk of our student population,” she said.

Ayris said the show involves elaborate costumes and sets.

“It’s supposed to be one of the most expensive shows on Broadway,” she said.

The show features many musical numbers and a huge ensemble cast, but those involved include many outstanding vocalists.

In addition to the large cast, Ayris said the production is challenging because of the shorter school year.

The provincewide teachers’ strike delayed the start of the school year until late September. As a result, the school year has been shortened and the musical will not be staged until the second half of February.

The school stages a large-scale drama production each winter.

Alumni who have been involved in past dramas have gone on to professional theatre and performing careers. Others are studying in London, Los Angeles, Montreal and Victoria.

Beauty and the Beast opens Feb. 18 at Centre Stage Theatre and continues Feb. 19 to 21 and 25 to 27, with closing night on Feb. 28.

Tickets are available at the high school and at the Beanery.


Summerland Review