Comic Strippers to return to Surrey's Bell for third time

Comic Strippers to return to Surrey’s Bell for third time

Improv-comedy show is 'semi-dressed and completely unscripted'

A popular male-stripper comedy show will return to Surrey this winter.

The Comic Strippers have announced another date at Bell Performing Arts Centre, this time on Jan. 25. Show tickets start at $33.73 via or 604-507-6355.

The Comic Strippers first performed an evening show at the Sullivan Heights Secondary venue in January of 2017, and returned there early this year.

“That was our biggest show ever, and I think we broke the 1,000 (tickets) mark that night, so it was pretty fun,” performer Ken Lawson, in an interview last January, said about the group’s first show at the Bell.

“Surrey is a fun place to play,” he added. “That was a milestone night for us.”

• RELATED STORY: CHIPS AHOY: The Comic Strippers hit Surrey theatre with parody of a popular genre, from 2017.

Lawson and the other characters – all veterans of Vancouver TheatreSports League – are “semi-dressed and completely unscripted” for the adult-only show, a gut-busting good time for all genders.

The talented, quick-thinking comics try to be sexy, but it just comes across as funny, with beefy dancing, gyrating and banter.

The characters are all named Chip – Chip Rock, Chip Dip, Chip Otle and Chip Sahoy, among others.

A documentary movie about the show – “a real documentary about fake strippers” – was made early on, and it’s available for download from the website,

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