Committee, students working for adjudication

Key it Up! fundraiser for a quality grand piano underway

Jasmine Kreschuk and her daughter, Claire, entertained the folks who attended the first 100 Mile Festival of the Arts recital in the Evangelical Free Church in 100 Mile House. There is another recital at the church on Feb 22, starting at 4 p.m.

Jasmine Kreschuk and her daughter, Claire, entertained the folks who attended the first 100 Mile Festival of the Arts recital in the Evangelical Free Church in 100 Mile House. There is another recital at the church on Feb 22, starting at 4 p.m.

The 100 Mile Festival of the Arts folks are heading into a busy time as they have workshops and recitals leading up to their adjudicated festival, starting in on April 13 and winding up with the wildly popular Showcase Concert at Martin Exeter Hall on April 24.

Registration for the Festival of the Arts’ adjudicated festival was held on Feb. 14, so rehearsals and practising will be going full steam ahead from now until performers take centre stage.

The adjudicators for 2015 are Marilyn Wiwcharuk (piano/organ), Colleen Whidden (vocal), Kathy Bloomfield (speech arts/drama) and Martin Summers (instrumental).

On Feb. 21, the Festival of the Arts is sponsoring a piano master class/sonata and sonatina workshop with Anita Perry.

A few openings are still available, so those who wish to participate can call Ginny-Lou Alexander at 250-395-3555.

On Feb. 22, community members are invited to attend the Festival of the Arts recital at the Evangelical Free Church in 100 Mile House, starting at 4 p.m.

Student performances in speech arts, dramatic arts and music will be on the program, and will include several sonata and sonatinas for strings, piano and other instruments. Admission is by donation.

Key it Up!

The committee has launched an initiative – independent of the festival’s regular budget – to raise $30,000 for a newer, quality concert grand piano for Exeter Martin Hall.

We have so many young, promising musicians in our community who participate in festival activities throughout the year, committee co-chair Bruce Madu says, adding they deserve opportunities to play on a responsive instrument that will reflect their hard work and talent.

Madu notes the committee is pursuing funding opportunities, and is also accepting donations from the community.

The Key it Up! fundraiser is looking to involve new patrons who wish to play a role in the purchase of the piano, Madu says, adding patrons may wish to sponsor a key on the new piano with a donation of $300.

Additional information is available from Madu (, or by mail (Festival of the Arts, Box 1903, 100 Mile House, V0K 1T0).


100 Mile House Free Press