Cooper right in Silver Lining

Movie review of Silver Lining and an Oscar prediction.

Silver Lining Playbook

After spending eight months in a state institution, after a bi-polar episode, Pat (played so well by Bradley Cooper), begins to pick up his life after losing his wife, his house, his job and his independence and moves back in with his parents.

His parents are a bit crazy too—Pat Sr., played by Robert De Nero (remember Meet the Parents?), has OCD, a maniacal connection to the Philadelphia Eagles, and guilt over spending more time with his other son when the boys were younger.

Mom Delores, played by Jacki Weaver, is the long suffering wife and mother who bakes tasty treats for every game and just tries for a little tranquility.

In an effort to win back his wife, Pat enlists the aid of Tiffany (played by Jennifer Lawrence of The Hunger Games), and who is herself a few sandwiches short of a picnic, but with a good heart and a dream to compete in a dance competition.

This really is the kind of quirky, comedy, drama, romance film that will appeal to everyone, and with a little craziness thrown in, it speaks to all of us.

Mark Wahlberg was originally cast to play Pat, but director David O. Russell decided to go with Cooper and he made the right choice. Russell was drawn to make this film as his own son is bi-polar.

A couple of things to look for in the film: Check out the marquee on the theatre in one scene in the show and the book that  Pat throws out of the window is Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms.

Great Line: “If you stay positive, you have a shot at a silver lining.”

I was going to see Broken City, but I’ve lived in Toronto and so decided to see Silver Lining instead and I’m glad I did.

I give Silver Linings four reels cause I’m a little crazy too.


With the Oscars a few weeks away, each week I’m going to make a prediction—let’s see how close I come to actually picking the winners.

This week’s Oscar Prediction: Best Supporting Actor will go to Tommy-Lee Jones in Lincoln.



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