Dickens classic story presented

The Charles Dickens classic, A Christmas Carol, is being performed this Friday, Dec. 5 at Summerland United Church.

The Charles Dickens classic, A Christmas Carol, is being performed this Friday, Dec. 5 at Summerland United Church on Henry Avenue as a fundraiser for the Community Resource Centre.

This dramatic reading of A Christmas Carol, coordinated by members of Summerland Singers and Players, includes the following participants: Armand Houle, David Sparks, Mike Swanson, Monica Keetch and Don Gayton.  The host is Dennis Walker of SoCountry.ca .

In addition, there will be two choirs; one under the direction of Kathleen Estabrooks and the Summerland Children’s Choir under the direction of Linnea Good.

First published in December 1843, this Dickens classic has become a staple during the Christmas season and is such a perfect choice as a fundraiser for the Community Resource Centre.

Beginning on a cold, bleak biting Christmas Eve, when Ebenezer Scrooge rudely turns away two gentleman seeking a donation in order to provide a Christmas dinner for the poor, the story brings to light many of the harsh realities of poverty.

Although things have improved in many ways since the workhouses of Scrooge’s day the problem of poverty, homelessness and children going to school hungry is still with us.

Here in Summerland, our Food Bank has been in continuous operation since 1985 with the Resource Centre being added in 2013 with funding provided under the Homelessness Partnering Strategy of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada.

The goal of the Summerland Food Bank and Resource Centre is to provide not only emergency food but also an information and referral service for people in need in Summerland.

They provide information, assistance and direct aid to people who are experiencing difficulty in their lives and need a helping hand or who want to find out what social services may be available to help them.

You are invited to drop in to view the new facilities, meet with their knowledgeable staff and volunteers or simply to chat.

The office is open five days a week from 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. and 1 p.m. until 4:30 p.m.

What better way to enjoy an evening out and help a worthwhile cause at the same time.

This Arts Palette column is written by David Finnis, publicity chair and president of the Summerland Community Arts Council, P.O. Box 1217, 9908 Main St., Summerland, B.C., V0H 1Z0.


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