District supporting local art

Paintings by Patsy Granberg first ones on display at District office

Patsy Granberg, a volunteer with Parkside Art Gallery, has two paintings featured at the District of 100 Mile House office on Birch Avenue.

Patsy Granberg, a volunteer with Parkside Art Gallery, has two paintings featured at the District of 100 Mile House office on Birch Avenue.

Local artists have a new place to show their stuff.

Walk into the District of 100 Mile House office and stand at the counter and you’ll see paintings by Patsy Granberg currently adorning the back walls.

Granberg, a volunteer with Parkside Art Gallery, is organizing the new initiative in partnership with the District, which requested the local art gallery’s assistance in decorating its newly painted office on Birch Avenue.

Granberg moved to the South Cariboo with her husband, Lee, from the Okanagan close to eight years ago. They have a ranch at Watch Lake.

Painting is new to Granberg, but art isn’t. She’s done life drawing – drawing people and faces – for about 25 years.

“Since being here, and joining the different art groups, I’ve been taking some painting classes and branched out.”

On display now are two pieces. One, a large painting done from a photograph Granberg took of her son riding his horse at Green Lake. The other, another colourful piece, was done from a photo of seagulls in Nova Scotia.

District of 100 Mile House chief administrative officer Roy Scott says the back wall, which was just blank before, is a good place to feature local artists.

“We think this an excellent opportunity to support the local art community, at no cost to anyone really. It’s good advertizing.”

Granberg’s paintings are on display at the office until the end of July.

Next, the work of Carol O’Grady-Miclash will be featured.

“I’ve been calling and asking for artists who want to participate,” says Granberg. “The District has been very supportive with offering this space.”

The Parkside Art Gallery is located at 401 Cedar Ave. in 100 Mile House. It’s open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday and Saturday from noon to 4 p.m.

Quesnel painters Christa Krisman and Megan Long have a joint show on display there until June 24.

Forest Grove artist Neil Pinkett has a show slated June 27 to July 19.

“[Parkside Art Gallery] is a very worthwhile stop,” Granberg adds.

















100 Mile House Free Press