Tickets for the Sugarplum Ball can be purchased on the Kelowna Pride website. (Contributed)

Tickets for the Sugarplum Ball can be purchased on the Kelowna Pride website. (Contributed)

Downtown Kelowna Library sponsors Sugarplum Ball

The Sugarplumball is part of the OUT in the Valley festival in November

Kelowna Pride and the BC Wine, Cider and Spirits Festival have announced the downtown Kelowna Library will sponsor and host the Sugarplum Ball on Saturday.

Kelowna branch head librarian, Christopher Stephens, approached the OUT in the Valley organizers to express support for the festival, noting library staff have personally donated to the cause.

“Kelowna Library staff and staff in other branches of the Okanagan Regional Library system recently raised funds in support of Kelowna Pride,” said Stephens.

“Even one of the library’s security guards contributed significantly towards the organization, as we collectively raised these funds to ensure the Sugarplum Gala is a grand success.”

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Okanagan Regional Library CEO, Don Nettleton, said after the library branches held the first Drag Storytime sessions on Sept.14, library staff felt this show of support for inclusivity was more in line with the ORL’s service mandate.

“This donation goes to show the support of the staff for LGBTQ initiatives with the library from Drag Storytime to our Sugarplum Ball. I’d like to thank all the activist’s librarians in bringing inclusive programming to a public forum,” said Blake Edwards, co-president of the Kelowna Pride board.

The donation will be used to cover a portion of the Sugarplum Ball venue rental.

The OUT in the Valley Festival takes place from Nov. 21 to 24. Besides the Sugarplum Ball, the festival will also include an opening reception at Okanagan Spirits, curated wine tours, inclusive transportation, entertainment, wine tastings and the Drag Brunch at Summerhill Winery on Sunday.

Kelowna Capital News