Dozens of parents and children flocked to Penticton’s Gyro Park on Saturday for the 9th annual Rubber Duck Drop presented by the South Okanagan Kin Club.
At noon sharp on May 4, 4,000 numbered rubber ducks were dropped out of a Peter Bros’ loader onto a target, and the duck that landed closest to the centre won the ticket holder roundtrip Westjet airfare for two plus $500. The second prize ticket holder won $1,000 and third prize won $500.
This little girl was having a fun time shaking her tail feather with the duck mascot at the 9th annual Duck Drop presented by the South Okanagan Kin Club. Kids could also have their faces painted and got to be entertained by Trixie the Clown. (Jordyn Thomson – Western News) |
Attendees could also purchase some fresh bannock and drinks, with the proceeds going towards the Penticton Army Cadets and the Summerland Girl Guides respectively. The event was sponsored by Westjet, Peter Bros and Providence, kids could also have their faces painted and had the chance to laugh and play with a duck mascot and Trixie the Clown.
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