Shane Fofonoff, left, and Geoff Stathers rehearse a scene for An Evening of Sketch Comedy. The Dec. 12 show is being staged by the Acting 11 class at Summerland Secondary School

Shane Fofonoff, left, and Geoff Stathers rehearse a scene for An Evening of Sketch Comedy. The Dec. 12 show is being staged by the Acting 11 class at Summerland Secondary School

Drama students stage comedy evening

It will be an evening of laughter as students at Summerland Secondary School stage their annual comedy show on Friday.

It will be an evening of laughter as students at Summerland Secondary School stage their annual comedy show on Friday.

An Evening of Sketch Comedy features the talents of 31 students in the Acting 11 class at the school.

Heather Ayris, drama teacher at the high school, said there are 26 sketches in this year’s production.

“It’s the biggest show we’ve ever done,” she said.

The comedy will include sketches from Saturday Night Live, Monty Python and The Kids in The Hall, as well as several original works from the students. Seven years ago, when the first comedy evening was staged, it featured Saturday Night Live sketches, but over the years it has expanded to other comedy as well.

The comedy evening begins at 7 p.m. Doors will open at 6 p.m. Admission is by donation. Ayris urges people to arrive early, as past shows have drawn large crowds.


Summerland Review