Drawing is more than lines and squiggles

The Lake Country Art Gallery is opening its new exhibition, Hand Drawn.

The Lake Country Art Gallery is opening its new exhibition, Hand Drawn, featuring works by Will Hoffman, Zachari Logan, Tyler Keeton Robbins and Gary Pearson.

“This exhibition presents four approaches to drawing, all somewhat different from one another, to create an interwoven tapestry of influences, techniques and concepts that challenge any one particular idea of what drawing is or should be,” said LCAG curator Wanda Lock.

Hoffman and Keeton Robbins are both self-taught artists, while Logan and Pearson both hold bachelor and master’s degrees – Logan in visual arts and Pearson in art history.

“These diverse educational backgrounds groomed each artist to follow particular ascribed ideas of what drawing is or isn’t,” said Lock. “And yet, within this exhibition, all of these ideals fall away when one encounters the drawings themselves.

“The instantaneous quality of the drawn line calls something else forth, a kind of visual intelligence that only pictures and images can capture.”

The exhibition is now open and continues to Nov. 13. An artist talk takes place Saturday at  3 p.m.

The LCAG is located at 10356A Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Visit lakecountryartgallery.ca for more info.


Vernon Morning Star