The comedy duo Fleshy Kitty Hip Hop is dreaming of opening for Tom Green.
Green is performing in Nanaimo this March and an ultimate comedian showdown was created to determine what local comedian will open for his act. The Ultimate Comedian: Tom Green Edition showdown is at the Queen’s Saturday (Feb. 9) 8-10 p.m., doors open at 7 p.m. The competition features more than 13 local comedians.
Fleshy Kitty Hip Hop comedians Jen Bowker and Sara Shaw love to laugh.
“We’re kind of crazy like Tom Green,” said Shaw.
The two said they always get laughs from people when they aren’t trying to do a comedy routine and decided to create an act. They decided to dress up as their hip hop personas and try a routine, but ended up bombing and not getting any laughs.
“We got in the car and said we need burgers,” said Bowker.
The drive to a local fast-food restaurant led to the creation of an entire comedy skit revolving around burger emotions.
The experience made the two realize that the best comedy is when they are true to themselves. It made them think about the tragedies they have experienced and how those situations could be used as inspiration for comedy routines.
“Comedy comes from tragedy,” said Bowker.
One skit comes from Bowker’s experience at the welfare office. She had lost her job, was getting separated from her husband and had to go to the office to fill out paperwork.
While there with her child, there was a woman who was shaking and appeared to be on drugs, said Bowker. The woman shuffled over to Bowker extending a bag of Cheetos asking if she could give some to Bowker’s child.
“I was like ‘oh my God am I at the point where I have to take Cheetos from a crack head’,” she said.
These kinds of events in their lives have been used for comedy.
Tickets for the comedian competition are $10 and available at the door.
The comedians will be judged on their live performances, audience voting and their promotional and social media skills.
For more information please check out the Facebook pages for the ultimate comedian competition and Fleshy Kitty Hip Hop.