Elton emulator live at the Legion

An Elton John emulator has been booked for the upcoming Thursday Night Throwdown

Razvon (Randy) Bachmeier takes a selfie on stage while Elton John performs behind him

Razvon (Randy) Bachmeier takes a selfie on stage while Elton John performs behind him

An Elton John emulator has been booked for the upcoming Thursday Night Throwdown, Dec. 3,  at the Smokey Smith Lounge (the Penticton Legion).

Pianist Razvon (Randy) Bachmeier adds his personal style to make the music uniquely his own, but his thirst for music has only been quenched by the sounds of Elton John.

After a big win at a Las Vegas Casino four years ago, Bachmeier has spent the time in between living like a groupie, travelling the world to watch his favourite artist. He’s seen Elton John live 25 times, starting in 1999.

“It was the first concert I’ve ever attended,” he said. “That was a turning point. When I saw him live and he wasn’t just something on the radio; I was in the same building as him and there’s something that happened that night, I can’t explain it.”

A piano was always in reach all throughout Bachmeier’s upbringing. He said playing the same instrument helped turn him onto Elton John, but there’s always been a mysterious underlying allure.

“It’s still bizarre to me why a seven year old would get clicked into that kind of musician.”

Though Elton John is clearly Bachmeier’s favourite musician, he said he’s young and has a broad taste in music, so he likes to take Elton’s songs and jazz them up a bit.

“I like to put my spin on it. He’s 68, his voice isn’t what it once was.”

Thursday Night Throwdowns are open-mic style events that happen every week at the Legion starting at 8 p.m.


Penticton Western News